you plan your family pictures around bluebonnet season. BAM! We're officially Texans now.
Apr 21, 2015
Apr 20, 2015
sweet berry farm
The drive out did start off pretty rough, though. We hit some terrible traffic that left us at a complete standstill. With another 40 minutes of driving ahead of us and cars piled up for miles ahead, I was ready to call my friend and convince her to cancel the whole thing. Instead, I called my mom and told her the plans for the day. She was extremely excited for us, like almost overkill happy for us. At first I thought she was being slightly sarcastic, but she kept saying how wonderful it was that I was making these memories with my boys and that it was an awesome way to spend the day. Mom's are always right.
Here I was, only moments before, subconsciously cursing the traffic with Lincoln in the back crying "POOOOP!" I later found out he was slightly constipated and things were looking really ugly. But after hearing my mom, my whole attitude changed. I was really blessed-- not with the constipated-child-part, but of all the things I could be doing, I was able to be outside on a beautiful day, with my boys and with our friends at a strawberry farm. And even though my boys are still too young to remember these things, I'm grateful I get to be their personal chauffeur and guide on our little field trips.

See this full basket of beautiful red juicy strawberries? That basket was not ours. We ended up leaving with none. Lincoln either ate what I picked or threw them out of the basket. I pretty sure the farm would frown upon people coming out, picking their strawberries, eating or throwing them, and then not buying any.
Apr 8, 2015
breakfast club
My breakfast date growing up was my dad. Before school, I'd wake him up so we could go downstairs and eat a bowl of cereal together (okay, maybe several bowls of cereal together). Sometimes we would talk and sometimes we would sit in silence because we were both in the process of waking up. Either way, it was time I got to spend with my dad, just the two of us. We were our own little club, the breakfast club.
Right now, Lincoln doesn't wake up until I put Simon down for his morning nap. First thing in the morning I get my one-on-one with Simon. It's usually just me talking to myself while we lay in bed and I try to get him to smile. Once I put Simon down for his morning nap, Lincoln wakes up. And then it's time for breakfast.
I always ask Lincoln what he wants for breakfast, but 90% of the time it's our oatmeal. We usually sit at his little kid's table with the chair that's way too small for me and way too hard on my butt. I'm in my robe and he's rockin' his bed-head. We say a little prayer and have our little conversations.
One morning, I decided last second to eat outside on our patio because the weather here is simply perfect. Lincoln was pretty stoked, which made me ridiculously excited to see him so thrilled about our breakfast date outside. And then it hit me; I realized I'm making those same memories I had with my dad, but now, with my own kid. Naturally, I had to run inside to grab the camera. One day, I will look at these pictures and think how our little breakfast club was pretty dang superb. Maybe by the time Simon is on solids and he can wake up at the same time as Lincoln, he can join our club. :)
Right now, Lincoln doesn't wake up until I put Simon down for his morning nap. First thing in the morning I get my one-on-one with Simon. It's usually just me talking to myself while we lay in bed and I try to get him to smile. Once I put Simon down for his morning nap, Lincoln wakes up. And then it's time for breakfast.
I always ask Lincoln what he wants for breakfast, but 90% of the time it's our oatmeal. We usually sit at his little kid's table with the chair that's way too small for me and way too hard on my butt. I'm in my robe and he's rockin' his bed-head. We say a little prayer and have our little conversations.
One morning, I decided last second to eat outside on our patio because the weather here is simply perfect. Lincoln was pretty stoked, which made me ridiculously excited to see him so thrilled about our breakfast date outside. And then it hit me; I realized I'm making those same memories I had with my dad, but now, with my own kid. Naturally, I had to run inside to grab the camera. One day, I will look at these pictures and think how our little breakfast club was pretty dang superb. Maybe by the time Simon is on solids and he can wake up at the same time as Lincoln, he can join our club. :)
Apr 6, 2015
Honest Lincoln
According to Lincoln, he apparently turned "4". Actually, every time you ask him it's a different age. By the time we finally teach him to say 2, he probably will be 4. Silly kid.
Lincoln is quite the stud muffin and continues to crack us up EVERY stinkin' day. His smile, his laugh, his facial expressions, and let's not forget, his hair, which has yet to lay completely flat. We still get many comments from strangers on it. Although I'm getting tired of replying, "Yeah, it's pretty crazy," I know the day will come when it no longer sticks straight up and I'll more than likely have an emotional breakdown.
He loves waving and saying hello to strangers. He's ran up and given hugs to people he has never met and sometimes people I don't even know myself! It's incredibly sweet, but causes for concern down the road. I think the stranger danger talk may come sooner than later.
Now, quick embarrassing story.
I went in for my postpartum check-up a few weeks ago. The doctor had to check my downstairs to make sure everything healed up okay. I had taken off my bottoms and covered up with the sheet they had given me. Lincoln was running around the room trying to entertain himself while we waited for the doctor. The tongue depressors in the drawer must have lost their excitement because he ran over to me, lifted up the sheet covering me up, and peeked underneath. He looked at me with this expression of concern and said, "YUCK!" Then, like a bully, he laughed and ran away.
Well, that didn't help me feel better with my body image... but it was humorous, nonetheless. You can always count on a child to be honest and say what they're thinking. Just wait Lincoln, for the day I tell you that you were born out of my "yuck". Then we'll see who's laughing!!
Oh, this child of mine.

We love you Lincoln! Thanks for bringing some major spunk into this family.
Lincoln is quite the stud muffin and continues to crack us up EVERY stinkin' day. His smile, his laugh, his facial expressions, and let's not forget, his hair, which has yet to lay completely flat. We still get many comments from strangers on it. Although I'm getting tired of replying, "Yeah, it's pretty crazy," I know the day will come when it no longer sticks straight up and I'll more than likely have an emotional breakdown.
He loves waving and saying hello to strangers. He's ran up and given hugs to people he has never met and sometimes people I don't even know myself! It's incredibly sweet, but causes for concern down the road. I think the stranger danger talk may come sooner than later.
Now, quick embarrassing story.
I went in for my postpartum check-up a few weeks ago. The doctor had to check my downstairs to make sure everything healed up okay. I had taken off my bottoms and covered up with the sheet they had given me. Lincoln was running around the room trying to entertain himself while we waited for the doctor. The tongue depressors in the drawer must have lost their excitement because he ran over to me, lifted up the sheet covering me up, and peeked underneath. He looked at me with this expression of concern and said, "YUCK!" Then, like a bully, he laughed and ran away.
Well, that didn't help me feel better with my body image... but it was humorous, nonetheless. You can always count on a child to be honest and say what they're thinking. Just wait Lincoln, for the day I tell you that you were born out of my "yuck". Then we'll see who's laughing!!
Oh, this child of mine.
Thrilled to have sprinkles on his pancakes and even more so thrilled when a box of cupcakes and balloons were delivered that afternoon from Papa and Nana Z.
Yep. Face dive into the frosting.

Probably the 10th time he blew out the candles. Once is never enough.
And lastly, to feed off his current obsession of Thomas, his little train fort.
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