That is until Ryan picked me up from the airport and on our drive to the ranch we found out he forgot to put my packed suitcase IN the car (small detail). Which meant the only things I had for the next week was the clothes on my back and a few shirts I had in the backpack. Frustrating right? I can only blame myself. I didn't know I had to put the suitcase in the car for him.... (sigh). Nothing Walmart can't fix. (Options are very limited when you're out in the middle of nowhere).
But what I was most bumbed about was the tie-dye outfits I had made for the 4th! I was a total Debbie Downer, but Ryan suggested we make new outfits to wear.....and even better, we can make some for the whole family! Even my sister-in-law who despises tie-dye agreed to wear it! And to be honest, she rocked it more than the rest of us. :)
We got the supplies at like 8pm July 3rd. 24 shirts and a onesie for Lincoln. We were up till midnight dying. And even though the fireworks were banned this year (GRRRRRRRR), I have to say, it was the most colorful 4th I've had. Not just the t-shirts, but the hands of those who made them. When you're dying this many shirts and have a deadline... your hands are bound to look smurfed.

Love the look on dads face! That was so fun. I still have dye in the cracks of my need to take me for my first ever manicure, Liz!