These pictures are terribly blurry. I finally talked Ryan into getting a nice camera when Lincoln was born after repeatedly telling him "I promise I'll learn how to use it!!!" and pulling the "we'll save money in the long run" talk. Well, I'm learning, but it will be a long process. I realized when we went for an evening walk the other night, I have no idea how to take a picture of people with the sunset in the background. I had two options: 1. capture the beautiful sunset and blacken out Ryan and Lincoln or 2. make sure it's light enough to see Lincoln and Ryan but completely white out the sky. It's a work in process I tell ya.
The sunsets have been so colorful, one of the perks of Arizona. Now if I can just capture a beautiful sunset with my boys in front of it, THAT will be a picture that gets framed for display. I'll take the white sky for clear pictures of my boys any day though.
Our evening walks have become a little ritual I really look forward to. And so do all of the neighbors. We never realized we had so many young families in our neighborhood until the evenings started to cool down. There's a parenthood club right here on our street! yippee!
This morning we had a service project for church. I was planning on feeding Lincoln and then have Ryan watch him while I was gone, but as I went upstairs to hand off Lincoln, Ryan was dressed and ready to go with me! I was stoked! Seeing my husband on an early Saturday morning, painting at a church service project, with little Lincoln in the stroller by his side.... I don't think I could be any happier.
Oh wait, maybe the fact that Papa and Nana Z are coming over to babysit tonight while Ryan and I go to a fancy-shmancy restaurant (compliments of his work).... let's just say it's a great Saturday and it's only 10am.
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