
May 7, 2015

Simon's blessing

Easter weekend was an extremely special weekend for us. We were able to go to Colorado to have Simon's baby blessing. All of our family was there-- ALL of our family. One big giant family. We were so grateful for everyone who traveled to be there. One of my brothers even flew from Phoenix to Denver, then made a three hour drive to Ryan's parents' house, only to turn around less than 24 hours to go back home. My sister-in-law drove with her family from Idaho to be there only 1.5 days. Seriously, Simon is loved.

Simon's first plane ride at 10 weeks. He rocked it like a champ, although this picture makes him look a little unsure. HA! He slept the entire way there and back. I think the airplane onesie from Lincoln's first flight brought us some good luck, as well.
you know your child loves you when they are willing to share their food with you. 
the men branding cattle. correction: the shideler men branding cattle while my dad and brother watched from a distance. they're not quite used to the country life.
all the cousins doting on Simon. I pretty much love all the "love" in this picture.

We were at Ryan's family ranch, which is down-right beautiful. Even though we were running on little-to-no sleep, the time we all had together, talking, laughing, eating and eating-- those are memories we will never forget. I'm so grateful that all the men in our family are worthy priesthood holders and wonderful examples to my boys. I'm so grateful for all the women, who love my boys like their own, and who help keep me sane with all the laughing and girl-talks. And I'm also grateful for all the cousins who dote on my boys, play with them, and even sneak candy to Lincoln when he can't reach the candy bowl. They say it takes a village to raise a child-- Ryan and I definitely have the best village to help us.

I'm so grateful for the gospel and for our Savior. I know God lives. I'm so grateful He has trusted us with his children to raise here on earth. I'm grateful for our little growing family and that we are sealed for time and eternity. And I'm especially grateful to be the mother to these beautiful boys.
And now my little newborn is suddenly 3 months old and I'm like, "WHAAAA?" How'd this happen so quickly? Maybe the lack of sleep made the first 2 months seem like one really long exhausting day that would never end.

Before Simon was born, I looked forward to the end of the day. This meant Lincoln was going to bed soon and I could finally unwind after a long day.
{Insert Braveheart reenactment..... "FREEEDOM!!!!"} 
Then Simon was born and the evenings would roll around and I would find myself absolutely dreading another night that was coming my way. I don't think anyone was as happy to see the sunrise as I was.
Those nights are finally fading away and I'm finally able to look in the mirror and not see a zombie looking back at me. This Simon of ours is pretty much a stud and is so freaking smiley, I could stare at him all day, or at least until Lincoln is pulling on my arm wanting something.

Here's Simon's three month pictures, with Lincoln, once again, wanting to get in on the action. The top picture is him throwing a tantrum because I asked him to scoot away from Simon so I could get Simon by himself. Lincoln thrives on having the spotlight solely on him, can you tell?
Instead, I have to zoom in really close to get Simon by himself, Isn't he handsome???!!!
And a favorite when Simon had more hair...

May 5, 2015

camp mabry

We went to Camp Mapbry the other weekend for their open house and airshow. I "knew" Lincoln would LOVE going-- which he did, but not really. He didn't care to go inside any of the aircraft and pretty much refused to leave Ryan's arms the entire time. Well, I guess not the entire time. There was a short stretch when he agreed to walk only because we bribed him with a dum-dum (we are those parents). Apparently, Lincoln prefers seeing helicopters and planes flying high over our backyard instead. I learned something that day-- 1. As much as I think I know Lincoln, he will still surprise me and 2.  Air-crafts are only cool if they're in the sky.
They did have an air show scheduled, but it was canceled due to poor sky visibility. Doh! 
However! We did see the K-9 demonstration with the police force. I don't think it was the smartest thing to have Lincoln witness a guy being chased and taken down by a dog. I'm hoping we didn't cause any serious traumatic fears of dogs now. 
I love this picture^^^
It cracks me up how Lincoln has to get up close and personal with the camera.