
May 5, 2015

camp mabry

We went to Camp Mapbry the other weekend for their open house and airshow. I "knew" Lincoln would LOVE going-- which he did, but not really. He didn't care to go inside any of the aircraft and pretty much refused to leave Ryan's arms the entire time. Well, I guess not the entire time. There was a short stretch when he agreed to walk only because we bribed him with a dum-dum (we are those parents). Apparently, Lincoln prefers seeing helicopters and planes flying high over our backyard instead. I learned something that day-- 1. As much as I think I know Lincoln, he will still surprise me and 2.  Air-crafts are only cool if they're in the sky.
They did have an air show scheduled, but it was canceled due to poor sky visibility. Doh! 
However! We did see the K-9 demonstration with the police force. I don't think it was the smartest thing to have Lincoln witness a guy being chased and taken down by a dog. I'm hoping we didn't cause any serious traumatic fears of dogs now. 
I love this picture^^^
It cracks me up how Lincoln has to get up close and personal with the camera. 

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