May 10, 2013

my son's first apology

The other day was one of those days.  I heard the garage door open and I greeted Ryan with a half-hearted smile and handed Linc to him. It was a doozy of a day and I needed some Nyquil, a bed, my sleep mask, sound proof walls, some hazelnut candles burning, and maybe some Enya playing in the background. Ryan could tell I was a little stressed and quickly put Linc in the stroller to take him for a walk. He sent me a text message on their walk and this is what I got. (According to Ryan) Linc picked me some flowers and said, "Sorry Mom for being bad today. I love you." After seeing this adorable picture of my little boy, I would have scrapped all of what I thought I needed for what I really needed: my two boys back home with me.

On a happy weekend note: What Ryan and I really need is a real date night. Our first official date night in 7 weeks. Grandparents are coming over to babysit and Ryan and I are headed out!


  1. This is just the cutest thing! It's hard with a newborn, sometimes you need a break, then when they are away you want them back! :) Really glad I found you on the blog hop, I'm a new follower. I am here ( if you want to follow each other? Have a lovely weekend, and have the most wonderful date night! x

  2. Have a fun date night!! I love your perspective 'cause even when things get rough, they still have a pretty firm grip on our hearts. Love you 3!!

  3. So cute! It's amazing how they can make you want to rip your hair out and then 5 minutes later melt your heart.

  4. So sweet and so cute. Also, I think we have the same carseat. Our babies are practically twins ;)
