
Jan 18, 2017

Halloween 2016

(an old post I forgot to share!!!)

I don't care when this third baby comes, but I was really keeping my fingers crossed (and legs) that he would wait until after Halloween night. I've always loved Halloween--- who doesn't right? But having your own kids to dress up and watch them do the dirty work... it's pretty much the absolute best. All these little kids look so incredibly cute and there needs to be more holidays like this one where they get to dress up.

Nana and Papa Z had bought these costumes for them, but the past two months, Lincoln has had his mind set up on being a pumpkin. A PUMPKIN! which is totally fine other than the fact that I already had a costume for him AND that now I needed to track down a pumpkin costume. I finally got one from a friend but of course, come Halloween night and it's time to get dressed, he decides he doesn't want to be the pumpkin anymore and the two months of him requesting to be a pumpkin mean nothing. Aye aye aye. Lesson learned: my kids no longer get to choose. I'll buy whatever is cheapest and closet to their size and that's what they get. HA!

Another testament to how different Simon and Lincoln are was manifested through Halloween. Simon was loving running from house to house with his little pumpkin basket so much that he would biff it several times (the steep driveways didn't help much either). Minor war injuries and scrapes across the knees and nose wouldn't stop him from wanting to run again to the next house. And he's a mastermind and found out that as the person was putting the candy into his basket, that he had a clear shot to the candy bowl to grab one extra piece of his own. Sneaky and smart.

Lincoln on the other hand had fun for about 5 houses and was SO OVER it. WHAAATT? I've never heard of a kid not excited to receive candy from strangers. But he wasn't. I think for Lincoln he got enough pieces to satisfy him and he was ready to retire. Aye Aye Aye.

We made it out to a pumpkin patch a few weeks ago. It was about an hour drive away so we were planning on spending a good chunk of the day there. But it started out rough before we even left the house, which should have been a sign that we needed to postpone. Simon was tugging on his ear crying (he ended up having an ear infection) and Lincoln was incredibly quiet that morning (Lincoln quite in the mornings???? NOT NORMAL). Anyway, we were there for an hour and a half and the boys were absolutely MISERABLE!!!!!! We packed up and headed home for another hour drive and the boys fell asleep within the first few minutes of drive home, slept the entire way, then transferred to their beds and slept for another 2 hours. Oh the memories...

A few pictures mostly in between the pumpkin patch meltdowns...

And lastly, trying to do a fun little Halloween painting project with the boys and realizing it's hard sit back and let them dip the same paint brush into different colors. (DEEP BREATH). It's all about letting them play and be creative, right?

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