
Jan 24, 2016

cuddle monkey turns 1

Last night, after Simon went to sleep, I snuck in to hang up his birthday banner. This morning when I went it, he was hitting the tassels and laughing. I think the full moon last night is the cause of him waking up early today. Look at him! He's ready to party!
Snapped a picture of their morning routine---playing in the bedroom while I slave away making sprinkled pancakes that Simon refused to eat. :)

We took the boys to the children's museum. Lincoln and Ryan were off doing their thing and I was the mom in the baby corner snapping a million pictures of my child because, "Hey, it's his birthday, okay??!!" Like I really need a reason, right?

The tunnel was his favorite---crawling up and down that thing like a boy on a mission.
Simon giving Ryan the ole' nipple twist. Ouchie
GAHHH! This picture makes me so happy.
And we ended the evening with a quick stroll on his new trike.
I think Lincoln was more excited to push Simon, than Simon was to be in it. I would be a little leery too if Lincoln was in control of my ride.
Not sure why Lincoln has the helmet on--- safety first, I guess. It would have been smarter to put the helmet on Simon after seeing Lincoln going a little crazy pushing his brother. Simon wasn't too fond of that.
We were watching Curious George with Lincoln one night (yes, our nights are really crazy) and Ryan said, "Doesn't Simon look a little bit like Curious George?" Uhhh, YES! It's times like that I remember how in-sync Ryan and I are together. Also, he didn't eat a single bite or lick of his cake. I think he has a keen sense of judgment when it comes to his mother's baking...
things we love about Simon:
1. he loves to cuddle and lay his head on your shoulder
2. pointing his finger at you
3. his awesome cow-lick
4. His love of corn and peas
5. how excited he gets when daddy gets home
6. how much he loves bath time
7. how easy he is to love

Simon, we love you. Happy sweet birthday, to our cuddle bug monkey.

Jan 5, 2016

shideler's christmas 2015

 Our tree looks a little sad in the background--- a branch bent down, no skirt, no gifts. I still love our little tree. And besides, who even notices our sad little artificial tree when two adorable boys are sitting in front of it. One chewing on a remote and the other waiting to open his Christmas jammies.

I'll spare the details of grief I felt when Lincoln informed me he wasn't that into Thomas the Train anymore. He was so die-hard all year and then BAM, right before Christmas after I've already bought some Thomas the Train jammies, suddenly Thomas is sooo last month. sheesh. Hard to keep up with what's "in" these days.

I didn't believe him when he told me. I even went and pulled out the new jammies I had got him to see if it would spark some excitement. Dead. I almost wanted to---definitely started to, tear up a little. Not that I love Thomas by any means, it's just seeing your little boy shun something he loved so much makes you feel like next month he'll be asking for the keys to the car to leave with his friends. Oh wait, he already does ask for the car keys. Poor example.

Anyway, it's all about Buzz Lightyear. The ironic part? He's never even seen the movie. I don't think he even knew there was a movie. We just happened to have some Toy Story figurines from forever ago and Ryan would use Buzz Lightyear at night for Lincoln's "going-to-bed-puppet-show". Oh, you haven't seen one of Ryan's puppet shows? Man, you're missing out.
So I found some buzz light year pajamas that came in a set. He tried on Woody first, but realized he couldn't run as fast in them and switched out for Buzz. 
I realized after it was too late that the boys didn't have matching pajamas so I've decided, henceforth, they will always have matching pajamas for Christmas until they move out of the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Christmas Eve stroll to show off our jammies to the neighbors.

So this is how I, a majority of the time, catch them playing. Lincoln caught red-handed trying to steal something away from Simon. Oh, you thought Lincoln was smiling in this picture? No, that was him gritting his teeth trying to muscle away the silly rattle we bought in Mexico. How is it, the cheapest smallest toy we own, suddenly the favorite in this household?

Christmas morning. I think this will be a new family tradition. One last picture in bed before opening presents. :)

Just opening his Thomas books and puzzle---purchases made BEFORE we knew. He was actually still excited. First he opened the books and was happy, but then he opened the puzzle and said, "Books are Simon's, puzzle's Lincoln's!"
And their most favorite part of the day? Breakfast. Yep, it's true. How do I know, because when I asked Lincoln, that is what he told me. We had opened two gifts and he said he wanted to go eat some oatmeal. We tried convincing him to finish, but he told us daddy could finish.
Our 30 minute intermission, with stockings and a few more presents to open in the background. HA!
His favorites: his new play dough with tools AND his little stove and food to cook. This kid was pretending to cook and eat everything in this house. Hopefully this will help him start advancing his skills so I can raise a chef to cook dinners for me. See what I did there? Give him something that will eventually come back to help me. Ha.

And what would Christmas be without sparklers to celebrate our Saviors birth? Especially when it's not entirely dark outside. Sometimes it's all about improvising when your kids have early bedtimes and you're not willing to sacrifice to have them stay up later than necessary. :)
If you think Ryan's puppet-shows are impressive, you should see his sparkler show. Simon was well entertained one second....
 the next second, not so much...

Either way, we had a wonderful holiday and hope you did, too!!!