
May 29, 2013

9/52, 10/52

Even though Linc is still small, he's growing so fast. Here are pictures of week 9 and 10 of Lincoln and a few more things I've picked up in the Parenthood Club. Highlight of week 9, he slept from 11p-6a. :)
Parenthood Club Knowledge:
1. Add concealer to your make-up routine.
I've never been into makeup. I know I should wear more, but I hate putting it on, and I hate having to wash it off at night. So you could pretty much attribute my few pieces of make-up to pure laziness. One item I haven't bought in probably over 10 years is concealer... that is, until last week. We had family photos and I needed to take drastic measures to cover the dark circles under my eyes. As much as I feel like a haggard mother, I'd rather not look like one.

2. Get used to the awkward-timing sharts. (is there ever really a good time though?)
Last Sunday at church, a sister was giving a beautiful spiritual lesson. She was filled with a few tears while sharing her testimony. There was a silence as she took a few moments to gather her emotions... and then it happened. As I held Linc over my shoulder, he ripped a loud one. I had a few sisters turn around and look back. I just avoided eye-contact, checked Lincoln's diaper so they were aware it was in fact him, grabbed the diaper bag and bolted for the door while biting my tongue from laughing. Will I ever not find a fart completely hilarious? I'm so immature.
--speaking of interruptions during spiritual settings--
Ryan and I teach Sunday school to the youth. One of the girls in our class loves to hold Lincoln and we're glad to have extra helping hands as we teach. She was holding him and feeding him a bottle during last weeks lesson on reverence (of all topics) when literally, mid-sentence, Ryan said "Look! Lincoln is holding the bottle by himself!" That's when I had to continue the interruption of the reverencelesson and say, "Time-out from the lesson! Everyone look how cute he is holding his own bottle!" Another first for him. We're so proud.

May 28, 2013

i can fish too

Ok. Maybe, more than likely, Ryan was the one who caught the fish. And maybe, more than likely once again, he let me real it in for him. But either way, I like to pretend I can fish while talking in an accent and wearing a mumu.


This weekend went by fast, as they always do. But maybe it was a little bit slower since Linc and I had daddy home an extra day. We had our family pictures taken Friday and Linc behaved wonderfully. It was a bit of a nightmare trying to plan family pictures around Linc's schedule. Obviously we didn't want him sleeping, and we especially didn't want him fussy or hungry. So the fact that we had a solid 30 minutes of him cooperating was a true blessing for this mother.

There's a place up the road from where we live I've been patiently waiting for Ryan to take me to. It's this gem on the outskirts of Phoenix. You have to know where it's at because you'd drive right by it without knowing. I decided this weekend would be the weekend. I got up with Lincoln and we walked there. That's when I texted Ryan and told him to come meet us. I figured this was a better approach to getting Ryan out of bed early because asking him at 7am if he wanted to go out to eat, I'm sure I would have heard him mumble something and pull the covers over his head.

The rest of the weekend Lincoln and Ryan had some major bonding time. Ryan's been super busy with either work or church meetings so the long weekend was nice to see them together. Linc loves sleeping on Ryan's chest so there was a lot of that going on. I'm pretty sure every nap this weekend was in his daddy's arms. And then there's the annoying mom who takes pictures of them while they're trying to sleep.

May 24, 2013

a day of firsts

Ok. I'm thrilled it's Friday. It was barely 8 this morning and already we had a first. I had Linc doing tummy-time while i was in the kitchen making breakfast. I look over the counter at him and see he's on his back and I'm like WHAAAAT ? That's not how I left you, kid.
I put my growling stomach on hold for a minute, flipped him back over onto his stomach and BAM! he rolled over again. Yes, this all happened before 8am. What else could the day possibly have in store for us?
Oh yes, our first family photos.... but with a baby this time.
Ryan and I did have our first family photos taken of the two of us while we lived in Hawaii by THIS dear friend of ours, Christal. She had just gotten her first DSLR and was apparently starting to "learn" how to use her camera and take beautiful photos, but clearly her pictures prove otherwise.
Raw talent that girl has.
And now after two years and a baby in the family, it's time for our first family photo with a baby on my hip. :) I imagine it will be something like this, but hopefully not as creepy looking.
(sorry Christal if I massacred your beautiful picture. The original copy is safely untouched.)

May 21, 2013

backyard fishin

One of our favorite things about living in Idaho was the short jaunt to a nearby river for Ryan to fly fish. I would tag along, snacks in one hand and my journal in the other. I'd sit in our camping chair or bring a blanket to sprawl out on in my swim suit and soak up the sun. That was our idea of a relaxing weekend. Who would have thought I would miss Idaho so much?
Last night we laughed about how we can still have that country experience here in the city with some minor differences.
1. Our short jaunt to a quiet and secluded river would be
 our canal in the backyard with people jogging by us.
2. We'd still get a beautiful view of the sunset but this time
over downtown instead of miles and miles of potato fields.
3. And some beautiful powerlines as backdrops for
my pictures instead of the Teton mountains.
We can see the good wherever we live. Ha. But one thing we have going for us that is a TON better than those days in Idaho... Ryan now has a little fishing partner.

May 20, 2013

turn that frown upside down

A miracle happened this weekend.
This weekend I got what every mother wants. A weekend full of sleep. I'm not talking a cat-nap here and there; I'm talking about full on sleep, 3 nights in a row. Lincoln has transitioned to only one middle-of-the-night feeding! This is HUGE NEWS PEOPLE--- like, ALERT THE PRESS news.
It could have been a weekend fluke, tonight we'll know for sure. But this mommy is being optimistic. I'm attributing Linc's success to his 2 month birthday today. That second month is full of milestones. Not only is he sleeping more at night, he's cooing full-on novels, grinning his gummy smile every chance he gets, and is officially... a thumb sucker (with an occassional pointer finger too).
Is there anything this boy can't do?!?
And onto a personal milestone...
my first FINISHED refurbished furniture.
Ryan is a pretty conservative guy when it comes to decorating our home. Let me rephrase, yes he is conservative in style, but his idea of a well-decorated home is one that's somewhat clean. When I ask him if he likes this-or-that for the home, he responds, "Whatever you like." Sigh---I love this man.
Truth is, if he really allowed me to have whatever I liked in the house he would start caring. A pink retro fridge, a floral 50's couch, a turquoise kitchen table.... yah, that wouldn't happen. So when it came to picking out colors for our TV credenza, I chose a conservative gray for Ryan, and a pop of color for me. And who says I don't know how to compromise. :)

May 16, 2013

much needed

Last Friday Ryan and I went out on a much needed date. Just the two of us. And it was the first official date since Lincoln and we were excited to have some alone time. A romantic dinner and a movie is probably typical for a lot of people, but not us. For the first date as parents I wanted to feel like we were still young and crazy...even though we're both ready for bed by 9. I think we had fun considering we were home before 11.

I saw this place called The Lodge on a food show. It was ranked #1 for a sandwich and after seeing that it was a burger and not far from where we lived, I knew I had to take Ryan. Two grilled cheese sandwiches and a burger inbetween. Gross right? Ryan loves these challenges. I won't even tell you how many calories and cholesterol were in this thing. I don't know whether to be proud or disgusted that my husband ate the whole thing like it was a bowl of cereal. I guess since I'm the wife and I'm the one who took him there, I should be proud.
And what's a better way for Ryan to burn of those calories? We went paintballing afterwards. It was a first for us and it was HILARIOUS. We walked in and you could tell we were not hardcore like the adult men and teenage boys that were sizing us up and down. I had this vision of me in the corner hiding the entire time.
First game was head shots only. I think I fired twice before getting creamed. Same for Ryan. Except his shot was a bulls-eye to his face mask. I think he fired twice too. But next round, we wreacked havoc and pretty much terrorized the other team best we could. I like to think one of my stray bullets hit someone....
date night success.

May 14, 2013

8/52 dang doctor's appointment

PC Knowledge:
Eating while breastfeeding can get messy. I'm always down for killing two birds with one stone-- figuratively, not literally. So when Linc eats, I eat. But I'll warn anyone who does this: It can get messy. Maybe I'm the one that needs to wear a bib. Lincoln doesn't mind though.... he's a little preoccupied anyway. It's just more cleaning for me to do and the less the better.
Son, your mama was about to unleash her crazy side too. I didn't enjoy seeing you get your shots as much as you. If only I could give you the lollipop for what you had to go through. Even though I ate one for you, it only made me feel a little bit better about the whole ordeal.

May 13, 2013

my first

I've learned two things from this picture.
1. my husband has trouble taking a focused picture, but really good at taking blurry ones.
2. i look ghostly white next to my olive-skinned baby.
Regardless, I'm one blessed mommy and my first mother's day was wonderful. My appreciation, respect, and gratitude has grown for my mother now that I've become a mother myself. It's true you will never understand the love a parent has for their child until the day your own baby is wrapped up in your arms and has stolen your heart.  Thank you mom for loving me and teaching me to love others, to love life, and to love myself. I love you.

oh and for a mother's day gift, Lincoln only got up once in the night and slept in until 7:30!!!! Thank you baby!!! I LOVED MY GIFT. :)

May 10, 2013

my son's first apology

The other day was one of those days.  I heard the garage door open and I greeted Ryan with a half-hearted smile and handed Linc to him. It was a doozy of a day and I needed some Nyquil, a bed, my sleep mask, sound proof walls, some hazelnut candles burning, and maybe some Enya playing in the background. Ryan could tell I was a little stressed and quickly put Linc in the stroller to take him for a walk. He sent me a text message on their walk and this is what I got. (According to Ryan) Linc picked me some flowers and said, "Sorry Mom for being bad today. I love you." After seeing this adorable picture of my little boy, I would have scrapped all of what I thought I needed for what I really needed: my two boys back home with me.

On a happy weekend note: What Ryan and I really need is a real date night. Our first official date night in 7 weeks. Grandparents are coming over to babysit and Ryan and I are headed out!

May 8, 2013


This weekend we had family in town for Lincoln's baby blessing. We talked, laughed, ate, swam, and talked about how cute Lincoln is. But the most special part of the weekend was having my baby blessed. We are so grateful for him; our love is overpouring. I'm so grateful for my family and the gospel in our lives. I'm so grateful for my husband and father of my child. He is a wonderful daddy. I love seeing him care for Lincoln. I never knew how much I loved Ryan until I saw him in his new role as a father. I'm grateful that Ryan has a strong testimony of the gospel and has a strong relationship with our Savior and Heavenly Father. I have the best companion to raise our child with. And I'm so grateful for Lincoln and that he is a healthy boy. He's brought so much happiness into our lives and I know this is just the beginning.


Man this baby has got major S-P-U-N-K, and yes Lincoln, I am talking about you. He's pulling some hilarious faces these days. I take way too many pictures, I'll admit, but I'm only planning on keeping the really good ones. It's just hard to bring myself to erase any pictures of him.... even if they are completely blurry. That's one picture of him I can never get back. Yikes, I'm such a sap. Don't worry, I'll slap myself out of it for you.
PC Knowledge:
1. Forts aren't just for playing in. Linc has had some difficult sleeps lately. Hard to imagine with an angel face like his right? It's true. I'm sure it's a short phase and it's about to get even shorter. Because this mommy discovered her baby likes napping in a fort. Who can blame him? I'd nap in a fort every day too.
2. Phantom cries. Do you ever think you hear your phone ringing, and then go look at it and no one has called? That's a phantom ring. I'm talking phantom cries, particularly in the middle of the night.  I've discovered phantom cries and I really wish I hadn't. Even when I fall asleep at night, it never is a deep sleep. I hear one little cry and I wake up. But the phantom cries- the phantom cries are cries you hear in your head that wake you up when really the baby is sound asleep. Even if Ryan is breathing weird I'll wake up thinking it's a faint cry.  Phantom cries- they're the worst!!!!!  I've learned what they are, now it's just a matter of learning how to stop them.

May 2, 2013


I think the AZ weather hits 100 degrees earlier and earlier each year. Those few weeks of perfect spring weather will eventually be a thing of the past. I'll be telling my grand kids, "back in the day we used to have a whole month of spring weather......those were the good ole days....."

Lincoln started cooing this week and I L-O-V-E it! Of course whenever I try to video tape him, the coos stop. One day I'll capture the sounds, I just need to be a little stealthy about it. One thing I am stealthy about, leaving his nursery when he goes down for a nap. He's content with me in the rocking chair next to his crib, but if he sees/hears me get up and leave.... he's not having it. What's a mother to do who doesn't want to be imprisoned in her son's nursery? I slither my body from the chair to the floor and army crawl myself out of that room! Take that Lincoln. I still love you though.

Here's Lincoln's week 6 photo and his baby blessing outfit for this weekend. My grandma had the outfit made for the blessing. White clothes and babies don't go well together, but I'm sure my Linc will be good and not dirty it up until after the blessing. (When will I just accept that nothing will stay clean anymore?)

We have family coming into town to meet him for the first time and be here for his blessing. I'll be a proud mama showing him off all weekend. :)