
Jan 25, 2012


if you ever go, take the dam tour.
it's a-maz-za-zing
It is ...
 --  726.4 feet high

 --  1,244 feet across at the top

 --  660 feet thick at the base

 --  45 feet thick at the top

It ...
 --  weighs 6.6 millions ton ...

 --  can store up 2 years 'average' flow from the Colorado River ...

 --  has a total storage capacity can be up to 30,500,000 acre feet ...

 --  the surface area of Lake Mead is 146,000 acres ...

 --  has a power generating capacity of 2.8 million kilowatts ...

 --  cost ONLY $49,000,000 to build the Hoover Dam ...

 --  cost $165,000,000 to complete the Boulder Canyon Project that includes the Imperial Dam, Hoover Dam and the American Canal ... 


  1. That is massive!! I have never been there but it looks like a humbling and awesome sight to behold. Great pictures, looks like you guys had fun!

  2. the 6.6 million tons got! Thats huge.

    And how on earth do they go about even building it?! I mean, where do you start?!

    that really is fascinating though! I bet it felt strange being inside of it!

  3. Wow thats awesome!!!! I've always want to go see that so thanks for posting so many pics! oh and on your last post i totally thought "is she wearing overalls?". I was laughing so hard when you wrote under the pic that you were! so funny!
