
Jun 28, 2011

Guess who's 27!

Guess who turned 27?? Thankfully, not me...yet. But my wonderful husband celebrated his birthday June 19th. For being so young he is mature beyond his years.

We went and got Mongolian food... his absolute favorite. I wouldn't say it's my absolute favorite but it does hold a special place in my heart since it's where he took me on our first date. Ironically we were seated at the same table too. :)

For anyone who has been, you'll know that it can be quite humorous preparing your bowl. Apparently, there's this unwritten rule that you can stack as much as you want in your bowl as long as it stays in. So people will tower the noodles really high you would think it was illegal. It's so bad, I had to have Ryan stack the noodles for me because I was too embarrassed to hand my bowl to the workers to cook it. What are husbands for?

If you're wondering why he has two watches on, I bought him two watches and he was
testing them out for the day to see which one he wanted. Clever huh? 



Yes, I did eat some.

Ryan's fortune cookie. How can you deny the fortune from the cookie?
His actual birthday was on Sunday so i "made" him wear a birthday tag so everyone knew. I'd like to think he enjoyed wearing it but who knows. He probably took it off in priesthood for all I know. Oh well.

His actual birthday dinner was posole. A mexican dish he really liked on his mission and I thought it would be fun to find the recipe and make it for him. Huge success. We were both very pleased and very full. The recipe includes hominy and if anyone has every had that, it fills you right up! Next time, maybe just one green chili pepper instead of two. :)

We are heading down to Moab as soon as he is done with school to go camping and rafting. I've never been before so it's kinda a gift for both of us. :) It's legit to buy your spouse a gift for the two of you to enjoy together right?


Jun 17, 2011

It's about time

Hubs and I went fishing. Well, he went fishing, and I sat in my chair writing in my diary. :)

June is practically over, and the warm days ahead. At least they better be...

Jun 16, 2011

You've got mail

Okay. I KNOW I am not the only one who likes getting stuff in the mail. It's the best. I check our mailbox everyday after work. Most of the time it's empty, but when there is something addressed to us... Yay! Bills are a different story of course.

Mondays are always hard. But you know what makes the better x1000? getting a package! I ordered some shoes off eBay. I never buy off the Internet because I like to see in person what I'm buying, especially clothes and shoes. But I gave in out of pure desperation. I really needed some good nursing shoes. When you are running around all day your feet need t.l.c. I've been coming home and having trouble walking around barefoot because me feet were sore. If you were to ask a nurse what are Tyne best shoes for working, most would say Dansko. And that my friends, is what i got. Retail is over $100 easily. And considering how these a completely unfashionable, I had a hard time forking that money for some ugly shoes. But i found a new pair online, plain black, for $45! yes!

Here's to complete comfort and no style! My new work shoes.

Jun 12, 2011

On your mark...

What's the only way to commit to something and not have an easy way of backing out? Post it!
This will accomplish one of two thing.

1. It will give me the motivation to keep going or...
2. I will be regretting and/or erasing this post hoping no one read it.

Here it goes. I will be running a half marathon august 27th! I started my running schedule and after Saturday's run I think I will be okay committing to this. If anyone has some training tips, please send them to me. It will be greatly appreciated.

Jun 8, 2011


So i haven't posted videos on here before but a friend from Hawaii sent us a video today. Let me give you a little background on what's going on here. This was our last week in Hawaii. My parents came down to visit and some friends from my martial arts class took us out. One of the students plays in a band at Jimmy buffets and our tradition was going out to eat and then dancing at buffets to hear mark play.

This video was our last night out with them at buffets. My parents are dancing on the floor with some of the other students (who are around my parents age). One thing I will always remember my dad as is a dancer. It's so entertaining. I love that he just doesn't care and he pulls the best moves. You'll see him as the guy who starts out clapping as he's determining what move to pull next.

THE BEST!!! I also love that Ryan and I are sitting there watching. It's like 1:30 and we're exhausted and here my parents are showing us up.

Jun 5, 2011

What a diff...

For memorial weekend, ryan and I were able to make a get-away from rexburg up to island park... One of our favorite places for weekend vacations. One of my friends has a cabin that she never uses and lets us go there whenever. We heard it was going to be a cold memorial day weekend and thought it would be better being cold there rather than rexburg so we went prepared with lots of movies, food, and games. It's a good thing for fire place because we spent most of our time in front of it watching movies and playing yahtzee and scrabble. Ryan attempted to go fishing while i did some reading but he wasn't gone very long. It seemed like he was gone just long enough to go to the gas station, buy a drink, and get a taste of the cold weather and turn back.

Cold weather it was because the whole weekend it snowed. The only outdoors we experience was when Ryan was looking out the front window and spotted a soda across the street in the neighbors driveway. I have no idea how he could spot that. I HAD to take a picture to show you how great my husband's eyes are... And yes, when I went out to the car to grab something, he asked me to go get it for him. Can you spot it from across the street??

What a difference one week can make though. We finally had some sunshine and got up to the 70's. We relaxed in the grass outside, and took our bikes around town. First up, subway to try the new featured sub, then over to the farmers market where we got apples and asparagus, then pedaled over for some frozen yogurt, caught a movie, biked across the street to a little Mexican resturaunt to grab a burrito before finally biking home.

The nice weather continued on through the weekend. Ryan had a basketball game..hello future NBA player... and stopped by the rodeo. Yeeha